Applied Sport Psychology and Leadership in Sport Certificate

Enhance your knowledge of sport psychology from an athlete or coach perspective with this comprehensive applied course.

Ratings 4.20 / 5.00
Applied Sport Psychology and Leadership in Sport Certificate

What You Will Learn!

  • Unit 1 - Introduction to Sport Psychology - History of Sport Psychology, The Role of & How to Become a Sport Psychologist, Career Opportunities in the Field
  • Unit 2 - Social Perspectives - Drop-out From Youth Sport, Gender Differentiation and Disability, Parenting in Sport, Character Development
  • Unit 3 - Considerations for Psychological Skills Training (PST) - Regulating Anxiety, Over-arousal and Stress, Attention Control and Processing Efficiency,
  • Unit 4 - Psychological Skills Training - Attentional Focus, Self Tal Self Confidence, Visualisation, Performance Profiling, Goal-setting & Arousal Regulation,
  • Unit 5 - Team Processes – Motivation, Group Cohesion & Team Dynamics, Self-Efficacy in Sport. Theories of Motivation, Improving Motivation
  • Unit 6 - Effective Leadership and Communication - Athlete Needs, Transformational Leadership, Creating a Positive Team Climate, Values Based Approaches
  • Unit 7 - Enhancing Health and Well-being - Resilience / Mental Toughness, Exercise and Psychological Well-being, Burnout and Over-training, Well-being Factors
  • Complementary work-book, including 33 practical engagement tasks to develop your knowledge across all areas.
  • Numerous additional resources including blog articles and YouTube clips to support your learning and development.


With over 12 hours of highly engaging content, covering every area of sport psychology, and including numerous examples from contemporary sport, this is the most comprehensive sport psychology course available on Udemy. 

The course is presented as an applied sport psychology course for coaches, athletes and leaders in sport or anybody considering some learning in this area.

Using a series of multiple choice quizzes and a complimentary 45 page work-book with 33 separate practical tasks across 57 different lessons, this extensive course is designed to significantly enhance your knowledge and understanding in this area as an athlete, coach, sport psychologist, or leader in your field.  Also included, are applied exercises on goal setting, self-talk, vizualisation, mindfulness and anxiety management, with practical tips and advice around mental skills implementation.

With over 20 years coaching and performance psychology experience across a range of sports and levels, from child and youth level up to and including elite international and Olympic level (see bio for further details), I have developed this course to help you broaden your understanding of sport psychology in an easy and practical manner. With applied references to the most cutting edge research in sport psychology, I have included countless examples of how the world's best teams, coaches, sport psychologists and athletes apply best practice in utilization of key sport psychology principles in their pursuit of excellence.

This course is pitched at a very attainable level to cater for all learners. The course is built to National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) Level 4 education standards in the UK. This equates to equivalent of Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) Level 6 standard course in Ireland, or pre-university course in other countries. Those who finish the course will receive Udemy certification on completion.

See Course Content tab below for the level of depth across 7 units of work or watch the video and check out the free preview lessons to get a taste of what is inside the course.

If developing this type of knowledge excites you, hit the "buy now" button to get started immediately.

Thank you for taking the time to research this course. I look forward to you signing up and seeing you on the other side, where you will greatly enhance your knowledge in this area.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is suitable for any athletes or coaches looking to extend their knowledge on this area or anybody in any type of management (sport, military or business) at any level - or anybody that just has an interest in the psychology behind high performance sport. This course is also an excellent starting point for anybody considering further study in the area of sport science or performance psychology.



  • Leadership
  • Sports Coaching
  • Sports Management
  • Sport Psychology






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