Operations Management: Supply Chain Management

Operations Management Training Program (Course 3 of 8)

Ratings 4.50 / 5.00
Operations Management: Supply Chain Management

What You Will Learn!

  • Sequence the components of the supply chain.
  • Identify the key drivers of supply chain management.
  • Identify the characteristics of supply chain management in service organizations.
  • Match supply chain strategies of service organizations with their key characteristics.
  • Identify criteria for selecting and combining different supply chain strategies.
  • Match supply chain areas with key indicators of their performance.


The  course on Supply Chain Management is part of the Operations Management Training Program which includes a number of eight sections also presented as individual courses for your convenience.

The overall performance of a business can be determined by the effectiveness of its supply chain management. This is an integral part of operations management. It involves the coordination of multiple areas of business within a company in order to serve the market in the best possible manner. Supply chain management includes procurement, production operations – the actual production of goods – and logistics.

There are several methods to illustrate supply chains that are related to services and products in an organization. These methods differ from organization to organization, as well as between manufacturing and service industries.

There are four areas of supply chain management that this course covers: basics of supply chain management, supply chains in service organizations, supply chain strategies, and performance measurement of the supply chain.

In the first topic, you'll learn about the basics of supply chain management. The five major components of a supply chain are the suppliers, factory, warehouse, store, and consumer. In the second topic, you'll learn about supply chains in service organizations. These supply chains must take into account factors such as variations in output, the human factor, and efficiency.

In the third topic, you'll learn about supply chain strategies. Lean production is one common supply chain strategy. Another is agile and mass customization. In the fourth topic, you'll learn about performance measurement. Performance is measured in four main areas: planning, operations, delivery, and post delivery.

Having an effective supply chain in place is essential for both manufacturing and service companies. Once they have a supply chain strategy in place, companies must take the time to monitor its effectiveness continuously and improve it as necessary. This course will explore how to manage supply chains in manufacturing and service companies.

That’s it! Now go ahead and push that “Take this course” button, and see you on the inside!

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone working in operations management or another functional area, who is looking to gain a working understanding of the operations functions in a service or manufacturing organization



  • Supply Chain






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