This is not your typical course. This Course is designed to systematically elevate each area of your life. The attached Course of Action Guide is your resource to strategize, plan, and mastermind your way to a whole new level. It is designed for you to achieve success quickly, focus your energy on what’s most important right now, and break down your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) into simple parts. Do you have bright shiny object syndrome? Most of us do. We think we’re on the right path but then we get so sidetracked and lost that we lose motivation. Use this guide to avoid losing motivation and shiny object syndrome because you have daily tasks to complete. Once the task is complete, you’re free to direct focus elsewhere.
Print out the guide, bind it, make it YOURS! The Course of Action Guide is just that; your daily course of action you will take to achieve your yearly goals. The first step is to write a letter to yourself dated exactly ONE YEAR from now. Tell yourself what kind of money you're making, vehicles you are driving, house you live in, family, what career you have, business you are building, friends, spirituality, etc. Leave nothing to chance. It's up to you now. Say YES! and figure it out. Successful people don't make excuses, they make results! Unsuccessful people make excuses and pray for results.
Enjoy the Course. It will Unlock Your True Potential, and Elevate Your Life!