17 Things NEW Consultants Should Absolutely Know

Rapid-Fire Tips For Career Success in Consulting, and Elsewhere Too!

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17 Things NEW Consultants Should Absolutely Know

What You Will Learn!

  • Tips for career success particularly in consulting firms
  • Questions to help in deciding a career direction


Welcome to this online learning course meant to help new hires understand how consulting firms REALLY work.

This course is designed for new hires who want a practical and unvarnished advice on how to manage their careers when they join consulting firms. Based on the instructor's own journey through the ranks of global consulting organizations, it lays out key things to keep in mind, professional skills to create, and activities that will make you stand out amongst the crowd.

Its a rapid-fire discussion of 17 tips that all new consultants should know, whether they are recent graduates, or experienced hires. Ideal for people who want QUICK learning.

And the same tips are also useful for anybody who is new to the corporate world.

Key things covered in 6 sections

  1. Understand the Firm - Ignore the 'paper' structure, you need to only focus on specific aspects which will affect you.

  2. The People Who Will Shape Your Career - Find and connect with these specific people who are going to affect your progression.

  3. Skills To Have - If you don't have these skills, or are unwilling to develop/apply them, don't bother coming to Consulting.

  4. Consulting Roles Are Never Simple Or Static - How to manage functioning at different roles all the time.

  5. Key Ways To Market Yourself - Professional competence is a given, so do these things to make an impact and get ahead.

  6. Manage Yourself - You need to hold yourself in balance with your career, so that you don't fall prey to disappointment and depression.

Who Should Attend!

  • New hires, mainly in consulting firms, but applicable anywhere
  • Anybody exploring a career in consulting



  • Career Development
  • Personal Success






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