21-Day Breathing Series with Ceri Lee

In just 3 weeks learn how to harness your breath, liberate your mind and empower your life.

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21-Day Breathing Series with Ceri Lee

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn breathing techniques to relieve anxiety, stress, and low mood.
  • Improve memory and focus.
  • Cultivate a new healthy daily habit and quiet meditative space into your busy life
  • Master the breath to control body and mind .


Did you know it can take just 21 days to form a new habit?

Even less when your brain feels a reward from it!

Self-directed neuroplasticity is intentional rewiring of the brain to create positive habits. The key is in setting a new routine that’s practiced daily until it becomes second nature.

Are you ready to make small achievable shifts in your life towards a healthier, less stressed you?

Do you want to learn how to use the breath fully to empower your life?

Then the 21 Day Breathing Series with Ceri Lee will significantly help you.

In taking under 10 minutes a day to breathe, you will learn specialist techniques to relieve:

· anxiety

· stress

· low energy

· excitability

There are techniques for you to improve:

· memory

· focus

And you will appreciate the power in simply slowing down to be still for a few moments.

It’s incredibly powerful – a tool within your body that you can access whenever you want!

Every day you will open a new  video with notes to guide and support your practice.

Not only that, you will also receive a downloadable 21 DAY Breathing Challenge Workbook with the instructions of all the breathing techniques in this series for you to keep and refer to time and time again.

If you can spare up to 10 minutes a day for your self-care and enhanced wellbeing, then join this series to give yourself an achievable challenge for 21 days, instilling a new habit to bring some peace and tranquillity into your busy life.

Who Should Attend!

  • Busy people needing ways to relieve stress, low mood, or anxiety.
  • Yoga teachers curious to develop their breathing techniques.




