Empowerment Life Coach Certification (Self-Care, Boundaries)

Life Coach Training + 21 Day Challenge! Confidence + Mindset through Role Playing, Self-care, Boundary Setting + NLP

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Empowerment Life Coach Certification (Self-Care, Boundaries)

What You Will Learn!

  • Gain control over your thoughts, focus and emotional state (Stop letting your thoughts control you)
  • Learn how to easily choose an optimistic, positive attitude (Stop negative thinking and bad moods in their tracks)
  • Learn how to create the emotions you want (Stop feeling out of control emotionally)
  • Gain the ability to see the blessings, even in the curses (Stop feeling like a victim of life)


Students who complete this course will receive an official life Self-Care Coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. .


This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 10 CPD/CEU credits are available upon request.

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We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 700,000 happy students from 200 countries.

We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.

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This life coach certification program includes 2 courses in 1! Receive a full curriculum of empowerment coaching PLUS... a complete 21-Day CHALLENGE you can use with your clients!


The first half of this course (taught by Tasha), we will cover comprehensive ways to support your clients in acknowledging barriers preventing them from feeling empowered, identify common boundary violations and how to address them, help them address blocks, triggers, anxiety loops that can halt a person’s success.

Empowerment goes beyond physical safety. It is a journey of understanding your power in all areas of your life. It is knowing that in any fight, you are worth fighting for, including the fight against internalized mistaken beliefs about yourself and blocks you have had along the way which hold you back from your joy.

Do you second guess yourself?

Do your clients second guess themselves and their worth?

You’ve read a million self-health books but when you actually try to apply what is written it just isn’t working out?

Do you wish someone could walk you through the scenarios you need help with?

Do you wish you could walk your clients through scenario-based learning but you never know quite what to do or what to say?

Have you done scenario-based learning with your clients but it didn’t really go well?

Do you always wish you had the right thing to say to friends, family or loved ones but never had examples?

You will have a list of resources available to help your clients as well. Coaches receive a metaphorical roadmap to help you along the way when doing role-plays or scenario based learning with your clients.

Our workbook offers examples of scenarios, ways to address issues clients have when they arise and how to stand in their power.

We offer tools, strategies and choices allowing you to excel in coaching your clients, aiding them with setting clear boundaries with themselves or others.

You can’t change others. You can change yourself and how you respond to the different stressors, anxiety, and adverse situations in your life. We are excited to support you on your empowerment journey.

Are you READY?


This second half of this course (taught by Joeel and Natalie) is a 21 DAY EMPOWERMENT CHALLENGE that will walk you through daily activities to help condition your mind and body using NLP (neural linguistic programming) and psychology. Through repetitive anchoring of positive emotions, you will be able to quickly and easily evoke a state of confidence, happiness, joy, and gratitude. Through daily questions designed to rewire your conscious and unconscious mind, you will be able to change patterns, see life from a different perspective, and create habits that will help you create the life you desire.

You will have everything you need to do this challenge with your life coaching clients!

In just 7 minutes a day, you can help your life coaching clients EMPOWER THEIR MINDSET!!

Help them make massive changes to their confidence, state of mind, and empowered experience of life by shifting the B.S (ahem, belief system) that creates the thought patterns and habits that impact every part of their life and confidence and success.


This course is brought to you by Transformation Academy and instructors Joeel & Natalie, who are life coach trainers with over 700,000 students at the time of this recording. They are excited to have collaborated with instructor Tasha Ina Church, which is the primary instructor in this Self-Care Life Coaching Certification.

Tasha is an Empowerment Coach in the Hawaiian Islands, offering retreats, private group coaching, and empowerment self-defense trainings to emerging women leaders so they can be their own heroes. She has been internationally recognized for her work in empowerment and nationally recognized in the United States. She sits on the board of the National Women’s Martial Arts Federation, focusing on Equity and Inclusion. Recently, Tasha was on the cover of Neighbors of West Maui Magazine and writes articles on self-care, boundary setting, and empowerment. She was in the XLR9HI PreX Fellowship recognized in Forbes Magazine and graduated Summa cum Laude with her degree in Business Leadership with an emphasis on Global Systems Change. She has 20 years of experience, along with training in Psychological First Aid through John Hopkins University.


"Tasha Church provided excellent information very insightful and targeted."

"It is a great program the man looks about my size I would like to add this to my program for teaching self defense to people with disabilities and seniors mixed gender and women self defense I truly recommend this program 10 star and am totally happy with this program title suits it well the instructor is very caring and I will recommend her totally..."

"I'm truly humbled and grateful for this! Tools that empower you are timeless and are always available to you because it's built internally once and expressed externally in multiple life situations a thousand times in your life. A big thank you for this course!"

Copyright Transformation Services, Inc. | All Rights Reserved

Who Should Attend!

  • If you want to feel greater confidence and gratitude
  • If you want to feel happier throughout your day
  • If you want to feel in control of your thoughts and emotions
  • If you want to feel eagerness and positive expectancy about life
  • If you want to develop a daily habit of choosing your focus and emotional state
  • If you want to develop the state of mind required to succeed in life



  • Life Coach Training
  • Empowerment






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