24 hours to Master Physics- from Beginners to Advanced level

Classical Mechanics with 400+ questions

Ratings 4.79 / 5.00
24 hours to Master Physics- from Beginners to Advanced level

What You Will Learn!

  • Concept building
  • Problem solving strategy
  • School or College level preparation
  • Getting ready for competitive exams



This meticulously designed course is your key to unlocking the fascinating world of classical mechanics, one of the foundational branches of physics. Whether you're a student, a science enthusiast, or a professional seeking to strengthen your understanding, this course provides a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of classical mechanics.

Through a series of around 170 concise and engaging lectures, each lasting approximately 8 minutes, you'll embark on an immersive learning journey spanning over 24 hours. Led by an experienced and passionate instructor, you'll unravel the fundamental principles and mathematical techniques that underpin classical mechanics.

Starting from the basics, you'll gradually progress to advanced topics, building a strong conceptual foundation along the way. Topics covered include 1-D Kinematics, Projectile motion, Newton's laws of motion, Friction, SHM, Rotation and much more. Each lecture is carefully crafted to present complex concepts in a clear and accessible manner, ensuring that learners of all levels can grasp the material. After lectures, you will get a Quiz of 5 questions to test your understanding.

With a focus on practical applications, this course equips you with the analytical skills necessary to solve real-world problems. Through hands-on examples, demonstrations, and thought-provoking exercises, you'll develop a solid understanding of classical mechanics and its applications in various fields such as engineering, astrophysics, and robotics.

Enroll now in "24 hours to Master Physics- from Beginners to Advanced level" and unlock the secrets of this timeless branch of physics. Get ready to embark on a journey of discovery and gain the confidence to tackle complex problems with ease!

Who Should Attend!

  • This is for all the High schoolers or college grad taking any of the following courses: Physics honors, Regular Physics, School level Physics, AP Physics 1 and AP Physics C
  • This is NOT for AP Physics 2 aspirants




