30 Days of Motivation

Learn tips for a better life, more productivity, and overcoming a negative mindset.

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30 Days of Motivation

What You Will Learn!

  • Tips for a better life
  • Be More Productive
  • Overcome a Negative Mindset
  • Daily "Vitamin" Dose of Inspiration


We all need MOTIVATION sometimes.

In this free course, you'll laugh (at and with me), you'll cry, and you'll improve your life if you incorporate the lessons you've learned into making a better life. I offer these to you from my heart.

Mini-lessons - one for each day of the month.

No tests - just watch and learn.

Then apply what you have learned into your life.

If you like what you see in this course, subscribe to my youtube channel and get more free content.

Meet James Divine

There once was a little boy named Jimmy whose mom told him he could be anything he wanted…a policeman, a doctor, a lawyer, even the President of the United States. I exceeded all her expectations and became a music teacher!

I’m now a grown man with four kids (I married my high school sweetheart) and nine grandkids. I love eating pizza, mountain biking, spending time with family, and long walks in the mountains holding hands (sorry, I reserve that for only one person, and it’s not you). My shoe size is 9.5 but please don’t send me any shoes…I’ll tell you more about that in a minute.

I teach middle school music at a Title I school, still finding time to speak, write, and podcast.

Now for the boring, adult stuff…

I earned a bachelor’s degree from St. Joseph’s College in Maine and received my music education from the Army School of Music, graduating from the basic, intermediate, and advanced courses over a span of ten years, serving in Virginia, Japan and Colorado. I retired from the Colorado National Guard in 2006. I earned a teaching license from Western State University in Colorado and completed a master’s in music education at Southwestern Oklahoma State University. I believe in the value of life-long learning! I just don’t like standardized testing.

Member of the following:
Colorado Music Educator’s Association
American School Band Directors Association
Order of the Sons and Daughters of Italy.

Who Should Attend!

  • People from all walks of life who need an espresso shot of motivation



  • Motivation






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