3D Drawing Course on Paper

Learn to Draw with Perspective and Shading and make your Drawings "Jump" off the Paper

Ratings 4.50 / 5.00
3D Drawing Course on Paper

What You Will Learn!

  • Create drawings with the illusion of 3D movement
  • Make drawings with optical illusion
  • Draw Letters with 3D Effects
  • Basic concepts of light and shadow
  • Basic concepts of Perspective


There are those who draw, and there are those who draw in 3D!

            Hello, welcome to this 3D Drawing on Paper Course. This  course is light and very direct. We will start by looking at the basics of light and shadow shading and also the basics of Perspective drawings. This introduction to shading and perspective drawing is very important for us to learn so that, when applying them to 3D effect drawings, we have a greater grasp of the composition of each item we are going to draw. After all, drawing shading and perspective are the foundations of 3D drawing on paper. With this base we will learn how to give more “Volume” and “depth” to the drawings we make to achieve the 3D effect.

          With a simple pencil, create 3D drawings that look like optical illusions with relief effects, taking paper work to another dimension.

          We will see object drawings, letters and numbers being done step by step. Furthermore, you can send your questions to the instructor to receive feedback or even send your drawings to be evaluated directly by the instructor who can make observations about the drawing or even record a new video lesson explaining your question.

           Good drawings and even more.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who likes to make impressive 3D drawings
  • Those who like to draw letters or numbers with a 3D effect
  • Beginners in drawing




