7 Steps to Prevent Chronic Disease and Rebuild Your Health

7 Steps to prevent chronic diseases such as arthritis, acid reflux/Gerd, diabetes, high blood pressure, and more

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7 Steps to Prevent Chronic Disease and Rebuild Your Health

What You Will Learn!

  • How to prevent any chronic disease using the Self-Care 7
  • How to reduce your risk factors for chronic conditions
  • How to lower your high blood pressure naturally
  • How to lose weight naturally
  • How to lower your a1c and blood sugar naturally
  • How behavioral and lifestyle changes foster healthier habits
  • How to restore, renew, and rebuild your health
  • Our protocol can help with chronic diseases such as: high blood pressure, diabetes, acid reflux, kidney disease, asthma, arthritis, weight loss
  • FREE PDF copy of Self-Care Advocate book
  • FREE PDF copy of Self-Care Advocate workbook


This course outlines Dr. Cedrick's holistic method to prevent chronic disease and rebuild your health. This method is called the Self-Care 7, a gradual approach to help you restore, renew, and rebuild your health.

If you want to optimize your health, prevent chronic disease, or reduce your risk factors, this course is for you. We'll show you how to protect yourself from the growing trends of chronic disease while reducing your risks of developing them.

In fact, 6 in 10 adults live with at least one chronic disease. The growing prevalence of chronic disease threatens to overwhelm the United States healthcare system. We face an epidemic of high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, asthma/COPD, kidney disease, and acid reflux. In it's current form, our healthcare system cannot stop this growing trend. The impact is felt in blood, sweat, and dollars. The average person suffers in silence, often relying on prescription drugs to mitigate their symptoms. Self-Care advocates however actively work to prevent the conditions that lead to chronic disease. Whether you're interested in chronic disease prevention, or risk reduction, now is the time for self-care using a holistic approach.

Now is the time for you to become a Self-Care advocate.

Who Should Attend!

  • You have a chronic disease such as: high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, asthma/COPD, kidney disease, acid reflux, arthritis, etc...
  • You are at-risk of developing a chronic disease: Pre-diabetes, prehypertension, metabolic syndrome
  • You are tired of taking prescription drugs
  • You want to address the root cause of your health issues
  • You want to rebuild your health
  • You want to live a long and healthy life
  • You want a holistic solution for your chronic condition




