Turn Your Passions Into Profits With 80+ Happy Growth Skills

Learn 80+ Happy Growth Skills like Communication, Thinking Out Of Boxes, Business, Artistry, Tech and More Happy Skills!

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Turn Your Passions Into Profits With 80+ Happy Growth Skills

What You Will Learn!

  • You will get to know more about 80+ top skills in demand in the industry and workplaces globally.
  • You will experience a skills quiz to self-assess your personal Potential (P) and Happiness (H) scores on each of these skills
  • Learn from the skills quiz experience and be able to retake the quiz to validate your learning
  • Get actionable inputs to build and sharpen each of these skills in a variety of ways
  • Voluntarily get a personalized report if you choose to share your skills PH scores on all the skills, using an online form



This super course combines my five-courses including:

1. Communication Mastery

2. Thinking Out Of Boxes

3. Business Boot Camp

4. Artistry and Design Lab

5. Tech Wizardry Studio

This course has been created by combining the power of Generative AI with Human Cognition and Know-how to boost your growth skills PH!

This course covers 80+ intertwined growth skills.

Why do this course?

This course is beneficial for students, professionals, and individuals seeking to enhance their critical thinking, problem-solving, out-of-the-box thinking and creativity skills. The course structure encourages learners to understand and apply critical and creative thinking. It promotes a mindset shift towards innovative problem-solving.

Who is this course for?

This course would be valuable to anyone looking to improve their communication and interpersonal skills, such as students, professionals, and individuals in leadership roles.

How does this course impact you?

The course components include video explanations of each skill with real-world examples. The quizzes help you self-assess your Skills PH* - your Potential (P) and Happiness (H) with each skill. The course shows you several ways to build and sharpen each skill. Overall the course provides a quick yet comprehensive learning experience. Learners can understand concepts, practice through quizzes, and apply techniques from the course in real-life scenarios.

Overall, these Happy Skills Growth courses offer structured learning experiences with a combination of theory, practice, and application, catering to diverse learner needs and enhancing their skills for personal and professional growth.

*Skills PH

Measuring both the potential (P) and happiness (H) scores of learners regarding specific skills can indeed provide valuable insights into their career preferences and potential areas of success and fulfilment. Here are some thoughts and suggestions on how this approach can be beneficial:

  • Identifying Strengths and Passions:

Potential (P) Score: By assessing the learner's comprehension and proficiency in various skills through quizzes and assessments, you can identify their streng9ths and areas of expertise.

Happiness (H) Score: Understanding which skills bring joy and satisfaction to learners helps identify their passions and interests.

  • Career Guidance and Decision-Making:

Matching P and H Scores: When learners excel in certain skills (high P score) and enjoy using them (high H score), it indicates alignment between their abilities and interests for career suitability. This alignment can guide career counsellors, educators, or learners themselves in exploring careers that utilize these matched skills. For example, a high P and H scores in communication skills may suggest careers in public speaking, counseling, or teaching

  • Personalized Learning Paths:

Tailored Skill Development: Based on P and H scores, learners can focus on developing and honing skills that not only match their abilities but also align with their interests and career aspirations.

Course Recommendations: Educational platforms can recommend courses or learning paths based on a learner's profile of P and H scores, providing a personalized and impactful learning experience.

  • Enhanced Job Satisfaction:

Career Fit: When individuals pursue careers aligned with their strengths and passions, they are more likely to experience job satisfaction, fulfilment, and long-term success.

Continuous Improvement: Regular assessments of P and H scores can help individuals track their progress, identify areas for improvement, and continue refining their skills in alignment with their career goals.

  • Holistic Development:

Balancing P and H Scores: While focusing on high P skills is important for career success, considering H scores ensures that learners also prioritize their happiness and well-being in their career choices.

Exploring New Areas: Lower P but high H scores in certain skills may indicate potential interest areas that learners can explore further for personal enrichment or as potential career paths in the future.

In summary, integrating P and H scores in skill assessments not only aids in career guidance and decision-making but also promotes holistic development by considering both professional potential and personal happiness in skill development and career choices.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone curious about skills, growth, productivity, performance, and progress such as:
  • College students in the midst of transitioning from campus  to corporate
  • Individuals and team members in corporate businesses
  • Entrepreneurs, professionals, and home-makers
  • Human Resource Development and Learning and Development leaders in corporates
  • Training and Placement Officers (TPO's) or college campus placement and internship coordinators
  • Teachers and Parents of college and high-school students




