This is Module 1 of A Course in Celtic Spirituality.
This course in Celtic Spirituality intends to provide you with a knowledge and practical base to explore and discover the rich tapestry of Celtic Spirituality and bring it into your life.
Celtic Spirituality is a path that re-awakens wonder and sense of the sacred in life. In the 21st century when our lives are so hectic it invites us to allow the mystery back into the everyday.
This is the first module and in it you will receive an introduction to Celtic Spirituality, an overview of the two streams of Celtic Spirituality and a guided journey to connect you with the spirit of the Celtic Tradition. After which you can decide to continue onto other modules.
Further on in the course we will be looking at mediation, prayer, pilgrimage, ritual, divinity and much more.
The course is broken into separate affordable modules that will stand alone, however, when you work through all of them you will build a greater understanding and collection of practical methods to step along the Celtic Spiritual Path yourself and integrate this path of beauty and inspiration into your life.
Celtic Spirituality addresses the need for belonging that lies deep within the human soul, it shows us ways to return home to ourselves and the divine.
I look forward to sharing this journey with you.