A New, Modern and Unique Look at Surah Al-Fatihah

Have you ever thought of The Qur'an from these angles?? Take a look!!

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A New, Modern and Unique Look at Surah Al-Fatihah

What You Will Learn!

  • Establish the fact that The Qur'an is the word of God
  • Present Linguistic Miracles of Surah Al-Fatihah
  • Learn to think openly
  • Create interest in The Qur'an


I welcome you all to this new, unique and modern course on Surah Al-Fatihah, the very first Surah (chapter) of The Qur'an. I expect all those who have doubts about the legitimacy and the divinity of The Qur'an to actually benefit from this course. This course will help you appreciate that The Qur'an can only be the word of God. Additionally, I hope it helps you see different ways of thinking about things as well. I hope you will benefit from this course. After seeing this course, I encourage you to see other numerical, linguistic, scientific and other miracles of The Qur'an, and "see and believe" for yourself. The decision is all yours.

There is a really special section (actually 2 sections), which are the last two sections of this course. That is where you should be astonished to see the incredible, mind blowing nature of The Qur'an. Make sure to go in order and I hope you benefit the most from this course.

By the end, do not stop on this course, rather, see other miracles of The Qur'an. Numerical, scientific, linguistic etc. I also urge you to learn Arabic later on. (Just as an interesting add on, go and search for the numerical miracles of Surah Nooh in The Qur'an)

(Note: Course thumbnail image is produced by canva AI)

Who Should Attend!

  • Both Muslims and Non-Muslims who still don't know the gems hidden in The Qur'an.




