Academic Writing Blueprint for Mature Students

A Study Guide

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Academic Writing Blueprint for Mature Students

What You Will Learn!

  • Customing the learning process to suit your life style
  • Identifying the weaknesses in your learning and use the book to upgrade your writing skills
  • Completing a practice essay, from start to finish, to show that you understand the process
  • Define Academic tools and the role they play in academic essay preparation


Hello readers, teaching staff, and students! Welcome to my coursebook titled, An Academic Writing Blueprint for Mature Students. Who would find this workbook useful?

I wrote this course for busy people who are pursuing their undergrad or other postsecondary studies in academics. It is mostly written for humanities and education students, though most postsecondary students will be able to find helpful tips in it. It is based on my experiences teaching adults pursuing a bachelor's degree in education. For course participants, it has workable solutions to fast-track the writing of your academic essay writing. I do look forward to sharing the strategies I used to get my students to write research essays that are appropriate for passing college courses. I wish users a successful academic journey.

Thank you to:

  • My students, who followed my guidance, provided the experiences I needed to use as a group case study for the book.

  • Friends, relatives, former students, colleagues, and allies who championed me and encouraged me to write the book.

    Who finds it useful?

  • Students who are returning to school after many years

  • Busy professionals upgrading their professional skills

  • Those who are struggling to complete their college essays

  • New Trainers or College Lecturers who need to teach their students academic writing skills

Who Should Attend!

  • It targets persons who are new to academia or have been out of school for five or more years




