Accelerating Sustainable Action In Business

Discover how to convince your management to take action on Sustainable Development

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Accelerating Sustainable Action In Business

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand why sustainability matters and what role you can play in the global sustainable transition
  • Learn how to have constructive climate conversations
  • Learn how to create a business case for sustainable development
  • Understand how to create a high-level roadmap that will support your case for impact


Do you want to see your company take more climate action, but you don’t know where to start, there’s no strategy and your colleagues and managers don’t seem to care that much. Sounds familiar?

Well, you’re not alone! We hear this all the time, and the frustration is real! Are you ready to take the lead on sustainable action in your organization?

After this course you will know: 

Why sustainability matters and what you can do about it.

Sustainable development starts with all of us. Let's unpack sustainability so you can explain what it is and know what actions make a difference.

How to have constructive climate conversations

Talking about climate change and sustainability isn't always easy. We will help you to have constructive climate conversations.

How to start creating a business case for sustainable development

What are the business risks of not taking action and the opportunities of focussing on sustainable business development?

How to create a high-level roadmap that will support your case for impact

An actionable roadmap to get things started will make it easier for you to convince your management to start taking action.

Meet Your Trainer

Minou started The Green Sprint together with Pamela Smit to help organizations take action on sustainability. On our journey, we kept meeting many amazing individuals in all sorts of roles and with different backgrounds with one thing in common: They care about sustainability and climate action but don't really know how to get started in their company.

So we created this course because we believe that organizations all around the world are in need of passionate changemakers who can guide the transition to the new economy. Minou will guide you through the whole journey and you can always reach out to her when you have questions or ideas.

What our course members said

"Genuinely useful, easy to follow, entertaining at points, and packed full of well-curated, essential info. Good stuff!

"Loved it! Information loaded, funny, engaging. Really nice tone, a nice pace. Gets you to the bottom line with lots of suggestions to further your knowledge."

"It's superb! Well-structured, full of relevant information, data and examples. The activities complement the course perfectly."

Who Should Attend!

  • Professionals employed in commercial businesses who are looking to accelerate sustainable action within their organization.



  • Sustainable Development






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