Accounting for Temporary Differences in Taxable Income

This course covers temporary differences in financial and taxable income for corporations.

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Accounting for Temporary Differences in Taxable Income

What You Will Learn!

  • Identify what a temporary difference is and recognize how it is computed.
  • Identify what a deferred tax liability is and recognize how to compute the tax accrual for a temporary negative difference.
  • Identify what a deferred tax asset is and recognize how to compute the tax accrual for a temporary positive difference.
  • Recognize the proper financial statement presentation of temporary differences.
  • Discover what is recorded in the Valuation Allowance Account and when it is used.
  • Discover the proper financial statement presentation of temporary differences in the Tax Accrual footnote.
  • Identify what an uncertain tax position is and recognize its effect on the tax accrual.


Although a majority of income and deduction items encountered by a business enterprise are treated identically for financial reporting and tax purposes, there are numerous items that are treated differently. They are known as book-tax differences and are classified as either temporary or permanent.

This course covers temporary differences, including:

  • how to identify and account for temporary differences

    • income/expense book-tax difference relating to financial income that will be recognized in the future is known as a deductible temporary difference creating a deferred tax asset.

    • income/expense book-tax difference relating to taxable income that will be recognized in the future is known as a taxable temporary difference creating a deferred tax liability.

    • What to do when these items reverse in a future period.

  • the balance sheet presentation of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities arising from these transactions

  • how to prepare the journal entry to record the income tax expense (also called the income tax provision) including the deferred tax benefit/liability due to book-tax differences.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone interested in finance, accounting or related fields.



  • Accounting
  • Bookkeeping
  • Finance Fundamentals






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