The President of the United States has 100 days to present a plan. You have 30

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What You Will Learn!

  • To create a lasting impression and establish yourself as a solid leader
  • To gain the respect of your team, your peers and senior people
  • To form alliances that can support you in what you need to achieve
  • To shape your team
  • To secure your early win
  • To ease into the new role and enjoy the new opportunity


The President of the United States has 100 days to present their plan. You, my friend, have 30 days.

In this Udemy course, I'm going to teach you how to come on board, get an understanding of the environment, separate noise from real problems, and come up with some sort of plan.

Secure your early win, present that plan and move forward confidently and with ease.

Hello. My name is Shirin Danesh, and I'm an executive and leadership coach. I specialise in business transformation and acceleration, and I have worked in large consulting firms, one of the big fours. I also have worked as an independent consultant.

As a consultant, when you come on board, you have a very short period of time to find out what's going on, come up with a plan and a solution for the prioritise problems and sell the solution. After that, you need to be able to mobilise people, deliver what you have solved, and wrap up the case and hand it over to the client.

Well, your project, the case, needs to be delivered in a very short period. Otherwise, you either won't get paid or you never get called back into the building.

In designing this chorus, I've tried to bring best practices from three different domains: 

1- One is from Agile practices and agile ways of working.

2- The other one is from consulting and case management.

3- The last one is from what I learned in managing/leading a war room. When an incident happens, in a very short period, you have to gather a lot of information about the things that you know and the things that you don't know and make many critical decisions.

In this course, we have three main objectives:

The first objective is to shorten your learning process. so you feel at home, at ease, and in control in one or two weeks only.

The second objective is to position yourself as a leader so you're not that person who is here just to do this job. You're someone who can lead a team.

The third one is to bring clarity to you and the team as to what we are going to do and where we are going.

This course is critical, both if you have been promoted internally or if you've made a move outside, externally, to a higher-profile role.

Lessons are short. You do not need a long lecture from me. Also, each lesson has a couple of actions. Take them.

In designing this course, I bring fun to it. I believe we need to take our work seriously, but we don't have to take ourselves so seriously.

I'm so excited about this course. And when it comes to career development and navigating the corporate landscape, this course changes everything.

I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you inside.

Who Should Attend!

  • Managers, landed a new role in a new company (External move)
  • Senior managers & leaders in a new role (Internal move)
  • Recently promoted manager to a different role (Pivot)
  • Leaders kicking off a program or initiative
  • Seasoned Subject Matter Experts, promoted to team lead roles (Expert to Manager)




