Look around you. The most liked people, the most successful people you know would have this one trait among others. They would be "Active Listeners". They are patient with people and really listen when others talk. That successful Doctor, the Boss everyone loves, the shop owner who is always around when you are confused what to buy, that one friend who brings a smile to your face..... They are all Active Listeners and You can be one too.
Learn to Listen. Listen to Learn.
Want to have a better rapport with your boss, colleague, husband, wife, friends?
Want to be a good communicator?
Want to be successful in your career?
Want to have a happy and fulfilling personal life?
The One thing that can help with all the above is - Active Listening.
When you listen actively - you get to really know a person, and understand what they mean and where they come from. That by itself can help you relate to them and hence deal with them better. And that is the first step to success. Because it is all about people. And Active Listening helps you Get - Really GET people.
In today’s multitasking hyperactive life, we tend to be easily distracted all the time or just too caught up in whatever we are doing. During conversations, more often than not, we are so intent on talking or thinking about what to say next, that we hardly listen any more. Think about the last few conversations you have just had and chances are you would remember what you said but not much of what the other person said and meant. Been there?
Active Listening is a learnt skill. It is something that can help us in every aspect of our life. Active listening helps us understand what the other person means to say. It helps us know so much more about the speaker. It helps us gain knowledge and grow. It helps us network better. It helps us have wonderful relationships with our family and with our friends and colleagues.
This course explains the importance of active listening. It explains how important listening is in the communication process. It goes on to explain the types of communication that, as active listeners we should be aware of. It helps you understand the difference between listening and hearing and also what are the barriers to Active listening that we face in everyday life. It then shows you how what steps to follow and practice to be an Active Listener.
This course is meant for You if you want to see a real change in your life and career.