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Practice makes perfect ! Master datapump utility by performing different hands on lab scenarios with this course
Oracle datapump tool boosts the migration of data and metadata from source database to destination database. It is also the most widely used utility in oracle database for data copy,refresh, etc and also used in cloud migrations. So learning this tool help you in your career.
This course is for oracle learners who want to learn datapump utility in oracle for performing different methods of data copy and refresh data
In this course, learners will perform hands on tasks as if like a real time scenario with different situation based tasks
All the parameters will be used in the practical box for different oracle versions
Oracle machine is built in virtual box for simulation of the tasks
Learners can be able to confidently face a request from application team after completing the course
Datapump is the core of this course. So only datapump utility will be explained
Hope the learner who applies for this course has a prior understanding of what oracle database is.
There are different oracle versions for datapump like 11g,12c and 19c. All these versions will be used and their efficiency will be compared.
You will learn how to export a database,schema,table,index,constraint,view and query etc.. and import them to a database using different methods
You will learn how to speed up the export and import with different parameters and different approaches.
Oracle Database Administration fundamentals
Linux operating system basics
PC with atleast 16 GB, 60 GB HDD, Windows 7,8,or 10 64-bit
CPU core(minimum) - 2
Student category:
Oracle DBA
For any questions, reach out to me at oracle community
Profile name- Kishan-Oracle