Advanced Hand Hygiene Practices in Healthcare Settings

A to Z of Hand Washing in Pandemic Era

Ratings 4.72 / 5.00
Advanced Hand Hygiene Practices in Healthcare Settings

What You Will Learn!

  • Basics of Hand Hygiene
  • Important aspects of Hand Hygiene
  • Infection prevention and control via Hand Hygiene
  • Deterrents to Hand Hygiene
  • Necessary activities to ensure effective Hand Hygiene


This course is intended to all the learners who would like to understand what hand hygiene is, who is the pioneer of hand hygiene, how and when to wash hands using soap and water and ABHR( Alcohol based hand rub) hand hygiene techniques, steps and products recommended for hand hygiene, the role of hand hygiene in prevention and control of health care associated infections, common barriers to hand hygiene and how to overcome these barriers, tools and templates used in hand hygiene data collection, audit types & techniques and how to make hand hygiene effective against disease causing agents. Hand hygiene is not only a matter of concern for health care workers but everyone is responsible for it, irrespective of the profession, as all of us some or other time in our life, visit the hospital for many reasons and hospital environment may carry these micro-organisms, but if you know the process of transmission through the hands, you can stop the spread of disease from hospitals to patients and to the communities.

Hand hygiene, if done as per the recommendations discussed in this course, can save the lives of millions of patients, who acquire infections from hospital during the course of disease and many of them die from these infections.

Who Should Attend!

  • Healthcare Professionals e.g. Nurses, Doctors, Quality Professionals, Healthcare Administrators, Infection Control Professionals, Clinical Auditors, Paramedical Staff
  • Nursing, Medical and Paramedical Student and General Public for Hand Hygiene Awareness
  • General Public as an awareness component



  • Healthcare






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