Advances in Disaster Management: Principles and Practices:

Science: Part 1 : Probabilistic risk assessment methods, AI & ML in disaster forecasting.

Ratings 4.79 / 5.00
Advances in Disaster Management:  Principles and Practices:

What You Will Learn!

  • Cognitive: Understanding the concept of "disaster" in its historical and contemporary context.
  • Affective: Appreciate the power of collective action and community resilience in building a more disaster-resistant future.
  • Behavioral: Critically evaluate information related to disasters and apply technology and best practices towards developing resilient communities
  • Deepen your understanding: Explore current trends, emerging threats, and the evolving landscapes of disaster management.
  • Master best practices: Delve into advanced frameworks, cutting-edge technologies, and innovative mitigation and response strategies.
  • Sharpen your skills: Develop critical thinking, analytical abilities, and effective communication skills essential for effective disaster management.


This course is planned in two parts.  Part 1, The Science, is spread over 11 logically sequenced modules, enabling your journey to understand disasters. Module 1 is an Introduction to Disaster Management. Module 2: deals with Types of Disasters, Module 3: is about Risk Assessment and Mitigation, Module 4: discusses Advanced Risk Assessment Techniques, Module 5: deals with Disaster Preparedness, Module 6 points to Emerging Technologies in Disaster Prediction and Early Warning Systems, Module 7: talks about Disaster Response, Module 8: deals with Advanced Disaster Response Strategies, Module 9 details Recovery and Rehabilitation processes, and Module 10 is devoted to Humanitarian Assistance and Relief Operations. Additionally, a session is earmarked to discuss recent Global Reports. Part 2, The Art, is exclusively devoted to the psychosocial and humanitarian aspects of disaster management. Part 2 will be released subsequently.

The learning objectives are: Cognitive: Understanding the concept of "disaster" in its historical and contemporary context. Affective: Appreciate the power of collective action and community resilience in building a more disaster-resistant future. Behavioral: critically evaluate information related to disasters and apply technology and best practices towards developing resilient communities.

This course aims to pique your interest by using vivid imagery, relatable examples, and a sense of adventure. It sets the stage for a deeper exploration.

Who Should Attend!

  • Students, practitioners, volunteers and enthusiasts in environment, social work and management from beginning to higher levels may get valuable insights from this course. The learners may gain insights into cutting-edge strategies, technologies, and innovations in disaster management, enhancing their skills, and contributing effectively to disaster preparedness, response, and recovery efforts.




