Affluent Author Mindset

Learn what separates the wealthy authors & artists from the rest, their mindset secrets & practical strategies.

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Affluent Author Mindset

What You Will Learn!

  • The Daily Rituals of Affluent Authors
  • What is it that separates affluent & wealthy authors from the rest?
  • How to appoint yourself as a leader in your Industry?
  • How to build your Business with your Book(s)?
  • How to deal with the R word?
  • How to make money through your art, being YOU?


Starving Artist? No more! What is it that separates millionaire, even multi-millionaire authors from the rest? Don't they experience writer's block? Don't they have money blocks? How is it that they create profitable businesses from their books? How is it that some authors are able to inspire Revolutions in the World through their work? How it is that they become thought-leaders by sharing their message so boldly & authoritatively?
That's exactly what you're going to learn in this class.

This class is presented by Bansi Patel, who is a Self-published Amazon Bestselling Author & Entrepreneur.

She has been able to turn her annual income into her monthly income using the mindset practices & practical strategies discussed in this course.

In this class you'll learn specifically:
~What are some Powerful Daily Rituals of Affluent Authors
~How to appoint yourself as a Leader in your Industry
~How to Build a Thriving Business with your Book
~How to Deal with the R word, like a pro. Can you guess what the R word is?!

This is not a do-to course, its a do-with course, which is exactly what makes it super fun right.
Make sure to grab a journal and a pen to write down any notes plus any inspirational downloads that you shall receive, whilst going through this course.

Who Should Attend!

  • Aspiring authors, Newbie authors, Self-published or traditional authors, Instagram authors, poets, writers and artists



  • Writing a Book
  • Personal Branding
  • Writing
  • Mindset






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