Ghana was a well organised political entity that existed in West
Africa. Ghana Empire is different from the modern day Ghana Republic.
Some call the Empire Wagadou. The name of the present day Ghana may have been chosen due to the influence of the ancient Ghana Empire. It was possibly to honour the ancient Ghana Empire. It is worthy to note that the ancient Ghana existed some kilometers north-west of the
present day Ghana Republic. The Empire was well organized and very powerful. The establishment of Ghana Empire was as a result of the desire of the Soninke people to defend themselves. They felt that the influx of some external nomadic people from the northern part of Africa was a huge threat. There desire to create unity among them led to the establishment of Ghana Empire.
Mali Empire was another very great Empire that was established through the forcing together of territories of weak political entities. Some of the weak political entities were the previously powerful Ghana Empire, the Sosso people and other territories within the region. At its height much of the modern Ghana, Sudan, Senegal and Guinea weres subject to the Emperor of Mali. The Empire emerged in the former territories of Ghana Empire and beyond.
Both Empires were well known in the global History as major sources of Gold.