African History Series: Kanem-Borno Empire.

The History of Kanem-Borno Empire

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African History Series: Kanem-Borno Empire.

What You Will Learn!

  • The creation of Kanem-Borno Empire.
  • The historic developments in Kanem-Borno Empire
  • Some notable kings under Kanem-Borno Empire
  • External influences of the Kanem-Borno Empire up to the European times


The Kanem-Borno Empire was one of the greatest most organized and powerful empires that existed in the West African sub region. It existed around the north eastern part of the present day Nigeria, parts of Chad, Cameroun, parts of Niger republic and some distant territories. The Empire existed in a two ways. The first one was Kanem Empire that had its capital at Njimi. It later collapsed. Its collapse led to developments that ended up creating another phased of the Empire that was known as Borno Empire. The developments will be discussed later. Borno had its capital at Ngarzagamo.

This two phased Empire was created by the Kanuri speaking people. Some Historians refer to the two faced Empire as First Kanuri Empire for Kanem Empire while Second Kanuri Empire for Borno Empire. This nomenclature came to existence based on the fact that the two phased Empire was founded by the Kanuri speaking people. Majority of the Kanuri can be found in the North-Eastern part of Nigeria.

The political structures of the Empire were centered on the king that went with the title Mai. Nobody can mention about the success, progress, strengthening of the Kanem Empire without mentioning the role played by the Saifawa Dynasty (Some may call it Seyfawa, Sayfawa, Sayfawa).This long line of kings and ruling lineage contributed immensely to the growth, success and advancement of the Empire.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone that has interest in History especially African History



  • History
  • World History






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