Death is not the end, not by a long shot, it is where we become even more alive to a reality that is even more real than this one. The body will die, yes, and many of our false identities will fall away. However, who we really are will become even more present, when freed from the confines of the limited perception of the human body. We have died, many, many times before, and yet, we are still here because our soul is eternal. So there is absolutely nothing to fear, far from it, something really extraordinary awaits us at the end of this short journey into the human experience on planet Earth.
Yet, we fear death, because we have become so attached to this life, our culture has reduced our reality to being purely material, and no longer believes in the immortal soul. With the idea that we are mortal, comes a great existential fear of death, that we will no longer exist. The ego in all its complexities is rooted in this unconscious terror of annihilation, so much so that we become afraid to really live. Once we remove this fear of death, the ego's complex of illusions falls down like a pack of cards.
The truth is that we can not die, we go on.
We come here to experience the contrast of what we are not, in order to go on a journey of self rediscovery. This process helps us to really appreciate our true boundless, infinite nature, especially after this incarnation reaches its conclusion.
Once you learn the truth, that you are immortal, and that you chose to forget who you are by entering into the veil of amnesia, then everything changes. You can begin to remember why you chose to come here, because we all have a Soul Plan that we orchestrate together with our Soul Family on the Other-side, which is the real world. This life is just a dream, that we co-create in order to experience what we can not experience in the afterlife...limitation.
In this course, through my extensive research provided by those who have died and come back, I map out in great detail exactly what happens to the Soul when we transition to the Afterlife.
If you are reading this now, it means that your Soul is calling to you to remember who you are, why you chose to come here, and what you are here to do.
The fear of death will loosen its grip, the more that you realise just how beautiful the Afterlife is, when we return home to the realm of Eternal Love.
Nothing really matters, we can't do this life thing wrong, because we are not being judged, it is only us that judges ourselves. To release yourself from self judgement, will put you into a space of empathy and compassion, bringing into alignment with the natural state, which is divine, for we are all divine aspects of the one true creator.