The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Agile Requirements

Discover How To Gather, Develop, and Document Agile Requirements Like A Professional In 2024

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The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Agile Requirements

What You Will Learn!

  • Conduct Effective Story-Writing Workshops
  • Create A Story Map That Represents The User Journey
  • Discover The Differences Between Gathering Requirements in Agile vs Waterfall
  • Conduct User Interviews To Gather Requirements And Feedback
  • Draw Wireframes To Ensure Alignment
  • Discover The Difference Between Epics & User Stories
  • Learn And Apply The 3Cs of User Stories and the INVEST acronym
  • Explore User Story Alternatives - Job Stories
  • Write Effective Bug Tasks That Will Save Your Developers Time
  • Apply The Concepts of Iterative and Incremental Development
  • Develop A Product Vision & Strategy
  • Discover The Purpose Of Product Backlog Refinement Sessions
  • Get An Overview Of The Most Popular Agile Framework - Scrum
  • Apply Empiricism (3 Pillars - Transparency, Inspection, and Adaptation)
  • Understand Value As A Concept (Top 4 Definitions)
  • Focus On Value Delivery - The Ultimate Measure Of Success In Agile
  • Avoid Too Much Upfront Planning
  • Build Trust In Your Team


In this step-by-step course, you will learn the exact techniques and strategies used by successful Agile professionals to gather, develop, and document requirements with ease and efficiency.

Allow me to introduce myself.


My name is Vladimir Raykov, a project management professional (PMP certified). In addition, I have five Scrum certifications (Scrum Master, Product Owner, Agile Leader). I work in a software development company.

During the last few years, I've been obsessed with learning and implementing Agile and Scrum.

I'd love to share my experience and knowledge so you can achieve your goals.

Currently, I teach over 140,166 students and have received over 20,533 positive reviews.

Who Is This Course For?

This course is designed for anyone working in an Agile team, including

  • Product Owners

  • Project and Product Managers

  • Scrum Masters

  • Agile Coaches

  • Any professional looking to improve their Agile requirements skills

Whether you're new to Agile or have been working in an Agile environment for some time, this course is tailored to meet your needs. It will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to effectively gather, develop, and document Agile requirements, and to navigate the fast-paced world of Agile development.

How Is This Course Organized?

Section 1 - Agile Fundamentals

  • Cross-Functionality

  • Self-Organization

  • Iterative and Incremental development.

  • How do we gather requirements - Agile vs Waterfall?

  • Product Vision and Strategy

Section 2 - Tools And Techniques For Gathering Agile Requirements

  • Conduct effective Story-Writing Workshops

    • Generate high-level user stories (functional requirements)

  • Create Story Maps

    • Organize your user stories.

  • Conduct user interviews.

    • Select the right types of questions and target groups.

  • The technique of observation

  • Drawing wireframes

    • Increase shared understanding and collaboration

Section 3 - Tools And Techniques For Documenting Agile Requirements

  • User Stories

    • Express the desired functionality from the perspective of the end-user

    • The INVEST acronym explained.

    • The 3Cs of user stories and the most important aspects to consider.

    • Writing effective Acceptance Criteria

  • The difference between functional and non-functional requirements.

  • User story alternatives (Job Stories)

  • [Template] How to write effective bug tasks.

    • Help your developers with debugging.

Section 4 - Project Simulation

  • Discover how agile concepts work together.

    • For a note-taking application, I will...

      • write user stories

      • write acceptance criteria

      • create a story map

      • Draw wireframes

      • Prioritize user-stories

      • and more.

  • Create a Scrum project in Jira.

  • Start Sprints.

  • Overview of the Scrum Events and their main purpose.

  • Product Backlog Refinement and the two states (Ready and Done).

Section 5 - Embrace The Agile Mindset

  • Learn how to work empirically (Empirical Process Control Theory)

  • Laser focus on value delivery.

    • This is the ultimate measure of success in agile.

  • Eliminate or reduce waste by avoiding too much upfront planning.

  • Build trust in your agile team so it can thrive.

Do I Get A Guarantee?

You can enroll now 100% risk-free because you receive 30 day, unconditional money-back guarantee.

If for any reason you are not satisfied (and that might be something as simple as you don't like my accent) - no problem, you are one click away from a refund.

No hassle, no hard feelings!

Go ahead and click the Buy Now button right now and let’s awaken the Agile Professional within you almost instantly!

Who Should Attend!

  • Product Owners
  • Product Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Business Analysts
  • Scrum Masters
  • Any professional who is working or will be working in an Agile team.



  • Agile
  • Project Management
  • Scrum
  • User Stories






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