AI Tools for Business You Need

Or, how to claim back at least 20% of your work week

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AI Tools for Business You Need

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn how to navigate AI for basic functions
  • Create presentations and media quickly and painlessly
  • Shortcut time for data extraction and transformation
  • Learn how to set up automation assistants and never take notes again
  • Get a better idea of how AI works and "thinks" through its responses


If you hate dealing with annoying, monotonous, life-sucking tasks that drain your energy and sap your most productive time away, you need AI! It's like having a big "Awesome" button you press to get something amazing instantly generated. In this course, I'll show you how to get started using AI bots, platforms, generation tools, and all sorts of neat ways to get rid of the boring work every office dweller hates. Stop scouring Google for the perfectly angled picture, the right Excel formula, or that exact chart you absolutely need to impress the bosses. Quit copying, pasting, and reorganizing data like a drone. Stop staring at a blank screen, trying to magically will your writer's block away. Just use AI and get your work jumpstarted. Think of it like having your own little army of minions set to do your bidding, but without the ramifications of pay or the legal problems keeping young people in indentured servitude will bring you. Just find the platform you need, type a few instructions, and watch as you reclaim hours of your life. Enjoy the unhurried work breaks and moments of focused creativity you've been lacking, and leave your workday with less stress about the next one.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone 24-50something in a white collar job who wants to shortcut their way out of busywork and reclaim some sanity!
  • People who just want to learn more about AI




