Australian Intermediate Maths Olympiad (AIMO)

1 month crash course

Ratings 4.47 / 5.00
Australian Intermediate Maths Olympiad (AIMO)

What You Will Learn!

  • AIMO exam format and expectations
  • 4 hour conditioning
  • high quality maths


It is a natural instinct for us to leave our exam preparations to the last minute. Here is a course that tries to cover the essentials that you need to know. There is no point waiting 2 years to get the same experience in the exam that you can get in 8 hours on your own, so close to the exam we emphasise knowing what you are in for and strategise accordingly. There are also some fundamental topics that need to be taught, which not all students will be able to digest in time for this year but the learning experience can improve one's maturity and problem solving sense while the knowledge  itself can still help for next year. We don't usually prepare like this for the exam in our normal class culture but understand that one might need some encouragement to begin one's mathematical journey. We still hope that students continue to pursue maths even after the exam and join us for long term learning.

We include several key topics such as Mathematical Induction and other number theory, as well as  Geometry and problem solving techniques. It is unusual for theory to be presented in maths olympiads in this manner especially so close to the exam, but we look further into the future. We also go through several of the recent exams including novel solutions that do not appear on the official solutions and always without outside reference or help.

We also show experiences of our past students who are usually prize winners in this competition.

Dr Michael Sun's school of maths

A Complete course for students who have more time to go through it deeply is available on LearnWorlds.

Who Should Attend!

  • Students who are preparing serious for AIMO for the first time
  • Students who love maths



  • Critical Thinking
  • Geometry
  • Problem Solving
  • Number Theory






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