Akashic Records Training: Become a Magician

Learn How to Heal with a Quantum Speed

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Akashic Records Training: Become a Magician

What You Will Learn!

  • How to Enter a Deep Trance-like State of Consciousness
  • How to Access the Akashic Records
  • How to access the Records of Crystals, Animals and Plants
  • How to Heal
  • How to Overcome Your Karma


Learn how to access the Akashic Records and retrieve your magical abilities - heal yourself with a quantum speed and access infromation about yoursel anytime you want. This is a life-changing course with a lot of information. You will learn a sacred opening ritual (prayer) - how to access the Akashic Records and how to raise your frequency before doing so. It is a unique mix of several ancient practises which - of combinated should guarantee you success in accessing the Records more than any another course. You will learn what type of questions to ask, which tools to use during the reading, how to prepare yourself for accessing the Records. You will learn how to access the Akashic Records of Crystals, Animals and Plants as well - not only humans. At the end of the training you should be able to enter a deep meditation, understand how to ground yourself and open your crown chakra (prana tube meditation), theory about the Akashic Records and you should be able to access the Akashic Records and receive answers to your questions. FB group is available to you as well to ask any questions you want. Come and enter this sacred space, learn how to shift your life with quantum speed.

Who Should Attend!

  • Spiritual people who can meditate and want to quantumly shift their life
  • People who want to heal themselves on a deep level




