All about Software Projects (SDLC, Agile, Technology Trends)

SDLC, Agile Awareness, Quality Assurance, Latest trends in Technology and Innovation, Importance of Documentation

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All about Software Projects (SDLC, Agile, Technology Trends)

What You Will Learn!

  • Knowledge on standard processes and best practices that are followed in most of the software companies.
  • Importance of documentation in software projects
  • Various proposal and contract types, SDLC and different types of support engagements
  • Awareness on Agile
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Quality Assurance


Welcome to Intellizeal Knowledge Centre Industry Fit Courses.

These courses will help you to be the best fit in the software industry.

The current course is All about Software Projects.

You will gain knowledge on standard processes and best practices that are followed in most of the software companies.

This course will be useful to Project Managers, Architects, Developers, Testers, Software Graduates and Under graduates who are pursuing software engineering.

By the end of this course, you will get a complete idea on how software projects are initiated and executed, by following the standards and implementing the right processes.

Below are the topics that are covered in this course.

First we will cover about Project Journey - Various proposal and contract types, different types of support engagements.

The second video will cover about Importance of Documentation - Documents that are necessary at different stages of SDLC.

The third video covers on Quality Assurance - Different kinds of testing that must be performed.

The fourth video will give you an idea about Agile process - Different methodologies followed in agile, different roles and their importance.

Latest trends in Technology and Innovation - This will keep you up-to-date on the overall software industry, where it is heading to.

Who Should Attend!

  • Useful to Project Managers, Architects, Developers, Testers, Software Graduates and Under graduates who are pursuing software engineering.




