PLEASE NOTE: This course is intended for neurofeedback professionals only. While the main content of the course is independent of any particular brand of neurofeedback equipment, the practicum is conducted on the EEGer neurofeedback system.
This is a recording of Dr. Moshe Perl delivering his popular Alpha-Theta Neurofeedback course as part of a live-online course taught in August, 2020. It is an in-depth, comprehensive introduction to Alpha-Theta neurofeedback.
Alpha-Theta neurofeedback – also commonly referred to as the "Peniston Protocol" (in recognition of the ground-breaking research by Dr Eugene Peniston, who achieved an 80% success rate, with 10 year follow-up, in the treatment of alcoholism) – is deep state work, often applied in order to address addictions and PTSD and is also used for peak performance.
Combining Alpha-Theta fairly early with eyes open neurofeedback can, for many clients, improve their ability to remain calm, improve sleep and general well-being, and accelerate emotional healing.
Alpha-Theta training/neurofeedback is often likened to meditation, as alpha-theta states are often achieved through meditative practice.
Topics covered include: historical development, research, Alpha-Theta mechanisms and methodology, clinical applications and practicum.
For this video-series, we kept the questions that people asked during the live recording of the course, but replaced their voices with snazzy title cards.