Amazon DynamoDB: Build out NoSQL Databases in the AWS Cloud

Go from zero to DynamoDB hero by learning to use one of the most popular NoSQL databases, using AWS!

Ratings 3.48 / 5.00
Amazon DynamoDB: Build out NoSQL Databases in the AWS Cloud

What You Will Learn!

  • You will know how to use DynamoDB, a popular NoSQL database service in the AWS cloud, to manage data.


Learn to leverage Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon AWS's NoSQL database in the Cloud. We'll take you from the basics all the way to building out your own Cloud-Based Storage Note-Taking App with DynamoDB. 

In this course, you'll learn about:

  • SQL vs. NoSQL Databases
  • Key-Value NoSQL Databases
  • Document Store NoSQL Databases
  • DynamoDB Design Features
  • Accessing DynamoDB through the:
    • AWS Console
    • AWS CLI
    • SDKs
  • Key Security features for DynamoDB
  • How to control DynamoDB Costs
  • Primary Keys (including partition keys and sort keys)
  • Basic operations (Creating, updating, reading from, and deleting tables)
  • Querying
  • Expressions, including conditional expressions
  • DynamoDB applications for the real world
  • A case study of how a company leverages DynamoDB for Big Data
  • How to build out a note-taking app with Cloud-Based storage

Who Should Attend!

  • Individuals who want to learn how to use DynamoDB. This course is intended for students who have no DynamoDB or AWS experience, students who have AWS experience but no DynamoDB experience, and students who have worked with AWS and have dipped their toes into DynamoDB, but are ready to learn how to use the tool more comprehensively. This course is not an advanced course on DynamoDB, and not recommended for extremely proficient users.



  • Amazon AWS
  • Cloud Computing
  • DynamoDB
  • NoSQL






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