AWS Fargate & ECS - Master Class | Docker on AWS

Practical Approach to learn Amazon ECS with Fargate & EC2 Launch type, App Load Balancing, ECR, Dynamic Port mapping

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AWS Fargate & ECS - Master Class | Docker on AWS

What You Will Learn!

  • Amazon ECR
  • Define Container, task, Service & Cluster
  • Bridge Network Mode
  • ECS Cluster - AWS Fargate, EC2 Linux/Windows
  • Dynamic Port Mapping
  • Application Load Balancer in ECS Cluster
  • Run a task - Fargate/EC2 Launch Type
  • Create a service - Fargate/EC2 Launch type
  • Create a VPC for ECS Cluster
  • Detailed view of the resources on your ECS Cluster
  • Run a nginx web app on Private Subnets of your VPC
  • Learn step by step with practice Lab Sessions



  • Overview of ECS Service

  • Components involved in forming ECS Cluster

  • Image registry - Amazon ECR

  • Management - Amazon ECS & Amazon EKS

  • Hosting - AWS Fargate & Amazon EC2

  • Create your first ECS Cluster

  • Define Container, task, Service & Cluster

  • Lab Session - Run Nginx Application using ECS Cluster

  • Lab Session - Service in ECS Cluster

  • Lab Session - Run Docker Application on VM Infrastructure

  • Lab Session - Build a Docker Image using DockerFile

  • Create your own VPC - Pre-requisite of Amazon ECS

AWS Fargate

  • Overview of ECS Cluster - AWS Fargate, EC2 Linux/Windows

  • Run a task - Fargate Launch Type

  • Create a service - Fargate Launch type

  • Task definitions

  • Create a Docker Image of the Nginx Web App

  • Push Docker Image to AWS ECR Repository

  • Add Container in Task Definitions

  • Run the task of the Nginx App in a Fargate Cluster

  • Create Service of Nginx App in Fargate Cluster

  • Update Service in Fargate Cluster

AWS ECS Cluster - EC2 Linux + Networking

  • Overview of AWS ECS Cluster - EC2 Linux

  • Create your own VPC for ECS Cluster

  • Lab - Create EC2 launch type ECS Cluster

  • Detailed view of the resources on your cluster

  • Lab - Access Private Subnet Instances

  • Lab - Access Private Subnet Instances

  • Create a task for the Nginx Webserver

  • Overview of Bridge Network Mode

  • Define task size & add container

  • Add task in a cluster

  • Check container status from instances

  • Access Nginx web server running on Private Subnets

  • Run multiple containers in the ECS cluster

Dynamic Port Mapping

  • Overview of Dynamic Port Mapping

  • Lab - Configure dynamic port mapping

  • Lab - Add dynamic ports to Security Group

Application Load Balancer in ECS Cluster

  • Overview of ALB in ECS Cluster

  • Configure ALB

  • Define Target Group & Listener in ALB

  • Create a task for ECS Cluster

  • Create a service

  • Detailed view of the resources on your cluster

  • Test your ALB

  • Distribution of traffic equally to all containers by ALB

  • Last Lecture

Who Should Attend!

  • This course can be taken by anyone who want to learn more about AWS Services
  • There are no formal prerequisites for this course; however, basic knowledge of AWS common services would be very beneficial.



  • Amazon ECS
  • AWS DevOps






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