Amazon EKS Beginner : Elastic Kubernetes Service by AWS

AWS EKS - Learn basics of EKS as beginner and implement advanced EKS solutions in real time

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Amazon EKS Beginner : Elastic Kubernetes Service by AWS

What You Will Learn!

  • Configure Pre-requisistes required for EKS Cluster
  • Provision an Amazon EKS cluster in AWS Management Console
  • Understand working of Authentication and Authorization in EKS Cluster
  • EKS Cluster Logging
  • Launching Amazon EKS Linux Worker Nodes
  • Understand how Pod Networking works in EKS Cluster
  • Learn about Autoscaling - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and Vertical Pod Autoscaler
  • Create and deploy application on EKS Cluster
  • Learn Load balancing and ALB Ingress controller in EKS


Amazon EKS (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes) is a managed Kubernetes service that allows you to run Kubernetes on AWS without the hassle of managing the Kubernetes control plane.

The Kubernetes control plane plays a crucial role in a Kubernetes deployment as it is responsible for how Kubernetes communicates with your cluster — starting and stopping new containers, scheduling containers, performing health checks, and many more management tasks.

The big benefit of EKS, and other similar hosted Kubernetes services, is taking away the operational burden involved in running this control plane. You deploy cluster worker nodes using defined AMIs and with the help of CloudFormation, and EKS will provision, scale and manage the Kubernetes control plane for you to ensure high availability, security and scalability.

This course will explore Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) from the very basics of its configuration and it will give an opportunity to beginners to have a solid foundation of the basics.

I will talk about how EKS architecture in order to provide a better understanding of how to manage container-based applications at scale.

To summarize, you will learn:

  • Refresh on Kubernetes basics and Introduction to EKS.

  • How to install and configure Pre-requisites for EKS Cluster

  • How to create EKS Cluster

  • How Authentication and Authorization works in EKS and Kubernetes

  • How to Launch Amazon optimized linux nodes for EKS

  • Create and Deploy applications in EKS cluster

  • How POD networking works in EKS

  • Autoscaling concepts in EKS (Vertical and Horizontal POD Autoscaler)

  • Load balancing and ALB ingress controller in EKS

  • EKS Cluster Logging

Who Should Attend!

  • AWS Engineers, Kubernetes Professionals, Kubernetes Administrators and Developers, Software Professionals who want to explore use cases with Amazon EKs



  • Amazon AWS
  • Kubernetes
  • Amazon EKS






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