American Accent Fundamentals

Placement, Rhythm, Intonation

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American Accent Fundamentals

What You Will Learn!

  • Fundamental Characteristics that Create the American Sound
  • How to Guide Yourself, and Know if you Sound American
  • Best Methods for Accent Training
  • How to Power Your Voice like an American (Placement)
  • The most important sound in American English
  • Creating & Identifying the 4 Characteristics of Rhythmic Contrast
  • Mouth Movement for American English
  • Linking & Smooth Connected Sound
  • Real-Life Practice


This course is for those who would like to study that train the general American Accent their own pace. The course contains all of the lectures that I teach students in my 1:1 American Accent Training Program. So, here´s what you will learn:

-The characteristics that create the American sound

-How to identify the characteristics of the American Sound (what I listen for when analyzing students speaking).


-Mouth Movement

-Rhythmic Contrast


-Most Common Mistakes Made by Students

-How to pronounce States & Capitals

-Real Life English

-How to guide yourself in your practice so you will be able to continue training your pronunciation after you complete the course and continue moving towards your speaking goals

-How to practice effectively to reach your goal as quickly as possible

-Additional support is available via live 1:1 coaching, as well as video feedback, to help keep you on track!

-Check my social media accounts and website to see written reviews, and see video testimonials from students who have successfully completed the program and achieved their pronunciation goals!

-Remember, language is only effective if the listener can easily understand what is being said. Just knowing vocab and grammar is only half of the journey. You need to be able to deliver your message in the way that the speaker is expecting, and not make them work hard to figure out what you´re saying!

Who Should Attend!

  • Non-Native English Speakers Looking to Sound more Clear, Natural, & Professional




