36,500+ students have already enrolled in *Learn by Doing - Android for Beginners*
How do users decide which app to download? Simple - they check the SCREENSHOTS. Yeah, screenshots!
Building high quality, highly functional, rapidly evolving rock solid applications is one thing. However, success also depends upon the number of eyeballs your app captures and the kind of UX it delivers.
Users perceive quality of an app, primarily based on how it looks. To build great apps for your audience, you need to acquire the skills of an artisan who can create polished and responsive UIs.
What will I learn from this course?
Is this course for me?
If you are a developer who has some Android experience or has completed an Android development course, then this course is definitely for you! :)
Who am I?
A passionate Android developer and entrepreneur. I've been developing for Android since 2010. I have worked as an independent developer for organizations like Tiffany, Mizuno, Glenlivet, Tata Information Systems among several others. I have also authored several open-source libraries that are being used by organizations like Wikipedia and Zappos. Of all my open-source projects, Android Saripaar is the leading UI validation library that is available for Android till date.
What are you waiting for? Let's get started!