Build a classic Snake game for Android

Remake one of your favourite classic mobile games in Android

Ratings 4.09 / 5.00
Build a classic Snake game for Android

What You Will Learn!

  • Build a game in Android
  • Snake
  • Build a classic game


This course is simply created as a fun weekend project, to help you build a classic Snake game in Android.

I will go through the building process line by line to explain and help you understand how to build this fun game. We begin from scratch, creating an empty application and building our game step by step.

I will not explain the fundamentals like what a function or a variable are, but I will explain each line of code to show you what it does and why.

We will build a simple game engine, simple graphics and simple gameplay, enough for this game to work fine on all devices out there. At the end, you will have a working, playable game that you can enjoy. Also, you will have a better idea of how games are implemented on a basic level on Android, what a game engine is and how to structure your code.

Not only do we build the game and you have a working application at the end, but you also get to enjoy the classic game of snake that was very popular back in the day. You can also publish it as an app if you like.

So if you enjoy a bit of nostalgia and are interested in building this game, sign up for this course and let's get started.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner developers
  • Students who enjoy development projects



  • Android Development
  • Android Game Development






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