Angular 8/15 CURD operation with JWT Authentication

Angular Live Project | Angular Live Project | Student management System in angular 15

Ratings 4.14 / 5.00
Angular 8/15 CURD operation with JWT Authentication

What You Will Learn!

  • The students will gain knowledge on angular CURD operation with JWT authentication
  • Aspnet core web API
  • JWT Authentication
  • implement Identity table using entity framework code first approach
  • implement authentication and authorization both on client side and sever side
  • create UI using angular , bootstrap and jquery,
  • Angular 15
  • Student management system in angular15



  • MS Sql Server Any version

  • Entity Framework 6

  • Asp.Net core web API

  • C#.Net

  • Angular8/15

  • Visual Studio 2017 or above

in this course, we are going to learn Angular CRUD operation using core web API with JWT Authentication. We will learn how to design the model classes and how to set up the middleware class in core.

We are going to learn the implementation of business logic using model classes (poco classes) and data access layer using repository design pattern and Entity Framework Code First. We will use C#.Net to implement our business logic layer and wrap it up with Asp.Net core Web API. We are also going to secure our web APIs using JWT authentication.

About project implementation

This project was designed with Angular 8/15, Entity Framework code-first approach, and core API which contains the JWT authentication, and as a database, we have used an SQL server.

Following the operation, Students can perform as per this project.

1. Students can create an account

2. After creating an account, the student can log in.

3. After login, the student will redirect to the home page which contains the basic info of the student with a logout button, and this page will have a More info link, once the student clicks on it, the student will redirect to the student details page.

4. On the student details page student can perform a CURD operation.

Who Should Attend!

  • Angular developer
  • Developer



  • Angular
  • JSON Web Token (JWT)






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