Animal Guide/Microbe Oracle Cards for Environmental Healing

Learn about Divination using My Original Microbe Spirit Guide Oracle Cards

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Animal Guide/Microbe Oracle Cards for Environmental Healing

What You Will Learn!

  • This self-paced class teaches how to use Microbe Whisperer Oracle cards for divination and education about microbes..
  • You will learn about Animal spirit guides.
  • You will learn about Microbe animal spirit guides.
  • You will learn how to give divination readings from 44 Oracle cards from the Microbe Whisperer Card Deck


This self-paced class teaches you how to use Microbe Whisperer Oracle cards for divination. This self-paced class streamlines the information in the guidebook that accompanies the cards (Available HERE) focusing on quick, easy-to-get descriptions of the Microbe Spirit Guides illustrated on each card.

The class includes four, free personal readings using each of the original layouts that are described in Chapter 5 of your guidebook: The Geo Cycle, Air Cycle, Hydro Cycle and Fire Cycle. These unique layouts are offered as free readings that you can set up with me, JeM YinJoy, at your convenience. The free readings will help to crystallized what you have learned about how to channel the Microbe Spirit Guide messages for your own spiritual journey as well as how to supply enlightening readings for your friends and clients.

In this course, you will learn the answer to these questions: What are animal spirit guides? What are microbe spirit guides?  And you will learn just enough microbe science to help you understand the nature of each microbe or microbial group that is illustrated in the original cards of this 44-card oracle deck.

The class includes four complimentary 20 min readings with me, JeM YinJoy. These complimentary readings will focus on the use of 11 cards in each of the four suits of the deck.

At the end of this course, the student will be prepared to use the Microbe Whisperer Oracle cards for themselves and clients.

Who Should Attend!

  • Mystical seekers who want to learn about animal spirit guides, microbes, and how microbes provide solutions for environmental problems.




