This course primarily instructs students on how to construct their fluid flow models and optimize the computational domain, starting with the geometry creation and handling steps using ANSYS Design Modeler and progressing to the generation of a fully structured mesh. Students will also learn how to precisely select the element type and size and achieve good grid quality. In addition, teach them how to optimize and adjust the surface mesh to get the right turbulent shear flow. Additional simulation advice and direction for using the ANSYS Mesh Module to construct a more economical model that uses less computational resources without compromising the accuracy of the findings.
Ansys Fluent is the industry-leading fluid simulation software known for its advanced physics modeling capabilities and industry leading accuracy. You have more time with Ansys Fluent to innovate and improve the performance of your products. Trust the findings of your simulation to software that has been thoroughly proven in a variety of applications. With Ansys Fluent, you can build complex physics models and investigate a range of fluid phenomena in a programmable and user-friendly environment.
تهدف هذه الدوره الي تعليم كيفيه بناء نموذج لمحاكاه حركه الموائع بداية من عملية رسم المجسمات بأستخدام برنامج أنسيس ديزاين موديلر وصولا الي اتمام عملية التقسيمات الشبكيه بأستخدام برنامج أنسيس مش موديول الي جانب تعلم كيفيه أختيار التقسيمات المثلي للوصول الي اعلي دقة في النتائج وبأقل أمكانيات وتكلفة حسابية