A Real-World .NET8 Web Application Using ASP.NET Razor Pages and Entity Framework and SQL Server database. This is a complete comprehensive course that uses the Razor Pages Framework to Build an ASP.NET Core Web Application written in C#.
This is a complete guide to Learning and Building scalable and data-driven websites using C# programming, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, and Razor Pages Framework.
If you have crossed paths with ASP.NET MVC or intend to learn ASP.NET MVC in 2024, then it's high time you invest your energy in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages instead. As Microsoft says, ASP.NET Core Razor Pages is the preferred approach to creating ASP.NET Web Applications.
If you have web development experience working with ASP.NET Framework or ASP.NET Core, then this course will provide you with the amazing knowledge you need to build page-centric data-driven websites using the popular ASPNET Razor Pages Framework.
This course is for all skill levels and is best suited for beginners and intermediate developers who have gained knowledge in C# and ASP.NET framework and want to use their skills to learn highly scalable websites using ASP.NET Razor Pages.
In this course, we will make use of ASP.NET Core i.e. .NET8 Razor Pages to build a complete blog application with multi-role user support (user and admin support).
During this course, you will gain so much experience with web pages and web components, I am confident that you will gain enough practical knowledge to create your own ASP.NET Core Razor Pages Web Applications.
If you want to create functional, generic, clean, and usable websites using ASP.NET, then this is the course for you.
In this course, you will learn and implement:
Learn And Create Your First ASP.NET Razor Pages Application
Create a fully functional, highly scalable, page-centric blog application
Repository Pattern in ASP.NET Core
Understand why is Razor Pages the preferred approach to build ASP.NET Core Web applications and how Razor Pages are much simpler and more intuitive than their old counterpart i.e. the ASP.NET MVC framework.
If you come from an ASP.NET MVC background, then this will be a good step forward in learning the latest Web technology that Microsoft gives us to build websites and that is ASP.NET Razor Pages.
Understand and learn the concepts of .NET8 and apply them using the ASPNET Razor Pages Framework
Domain Modelling
Entity Framework Code First Approach
SQL Server
Seeding the Database
CRUD operations using ASP.NET Razor Pages
Showing Notifications (ViewData, TempData, etc)
Routing in Razor Pages
Domain Models vs View Models
Authentication and Authorization
Multi-Role Authorization
Full User and Admin Support in the Blog Application
Rich Text Editor
Uploading Images To A 3rd Party Image Hosting Provider
Creating APIs within our Razor Pages Application and Call Them using Javascript
Server-Side and Client-Side Validations.
Create, Read, Update, and Delete using Entity Framework Core and SQL Server
Web Development Using Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core
Write Clean, Re-Usable Code