Assertiveness Basics: Empower Yourself

Acquire the quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive. Reduce stress; communicate better

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Assertiveness Basics:  Empower Yourself

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand what assertiveness and assertive communication is
  • Understand the Benefits and Risks of being assertive
  • Identify the different personality styles you deal with every day
  • Understand how to cultivate an assertive mindset
  • Know and identify the basics of Assertive Techniques and Skills for you to use
  • Identify the different types of criticism and learn how to deal with it positively and constructively


Assertiveness is a method of critical thinking, where an individual speaks up in defense of their views or considering erroneous information. Assertive people can be outspoken and analyze information and point out areas of information lacking substance, details, or evidence. Assertiveness supports creative thinking and effective communication.

It is considered a critical life skill and recommended for children to develop. Assertiveness is a communication skill that can be taught, and the skills of assertive communication effectively learned.

First, the absence of assertiveness can make you feel that you are trapped, and not living your life to its full potential. You feel like a puppet, operating on strings controlled by someone else. You feel like you are at the mercy of someone else.

  • Do you avoid people because you do not know what to say?

  • Do people take advantage of you because you just cannot say what is on your mind?

  • Do people criticize you and you have nothing to say in return?

  • Do you hesitate to express your opinions ort thoughts?

  • Is it difficult for you to communicate or interact with authority?

If so, you have a passive mindset.

Being assertive means that you can stand firm when you need to. But it does not mean that you get to exercise your rights all the time and win every time.

Assertiveness is all about balance. You can be straight forward with your needs, while considering the rights, needs, and wants of others. When you are assertive, you ask confidently for what you want, but do not throw a tantrum when you do not get it. You make your statements firmly and fairly but understand that someone else may have a different point of view.

Assertive behavior is a skill that can be learned, and in this course, we give you the guidelines to become assertive in every area of your life.

Feel confident in making important decisions. Take your life back.

Who Should Attend!

  • Everyone who wants to start living their life to its full potential.
  • Become more assertive and feel confident in making important decisions.



  • Assertiveness






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