How to learn with Dyslexia

Neurodiversity and Dyslexia

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How to learn with Dyslexia

What You Will Learn!

  • Outline to dyslexia- do’s and don’ts
  • Dyslexic secrets
  • Spelling and writing strategies
  • Assistive technology


This course will help viewers understand other elements that have an overlap to dyslexia. Thus, helping viewers gain a broader understanding while learning practical solutions.

This course is designed for teachers and/ or parents looking to learn more and gain useful tips and suggestions.

Introduction to the course

Overview of dyslexic secrets

Spelling and writing essentail tips

Assistive technology overview

I'm Una founder of Blossom4Life.
My journey through education was a challenging and lonely one. I experienced anxiety and bullying. I struggled. I have endless memories etched on my soul of the frustration of spending hours doing my homework each night as it took me so much longer than other children. I contribute to changing this world for other dyslexics and people living with learning challenges. I am an advocate for personal development and have undertaken numerous health and wellbeing courses, which allow me to support my students and rebuild their confidence and self-worth.

I am passionate about changing the experience of others who face similar challenges as I did. I am an ally to those I tutor. I am here to help them embrace difference and accomplish their ambitions: to have courage, to be fearless and to illuminate their path.

Blossom4Life helps dyslexics embrace difference and accomplish their ambitions: to have courage, to be fearless and to illuminate their path. At Blossom4Life we work with students 1:1 providing tailored multi-sensory programmes.

Who Should Attend!

  • Parents, teachers or anybody wanting to learn more about dyslexia




