ATDD with PHP and Behat - Acceptance Test Driven Development

Using Behat to implement Accaptance Test Driven Development

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ATDD with PHP and Behat - Acceptance Test Driven Development

What You Will Learn!

  • Acceptance Test Driven Development
  • Behavior Driven Development
  • Behat
  • PHP
  • Writing Behat Tests


Acceptance Test Driven Development as a methodology for writing down software requirments as a test.
ATDD is not only a development method but also a good layer of communication between the developers of those who gather the requirements, those who develop and test the software

- What is ATDD 
- The difference between Acceptance Test Driven Development and Behavior Driven Development
- The difference beteween ATDD and usual Test Driven Development
- Basics of the Gherkin Given When Then Language
- Writing down requirements in the Gherkin Language

We're gonna play a bowling game, and by that we learn how to use the ATDD approach to write a software to calculate the results. ATDD is an approach within the BDD methodology. After this tutorial attendees will describe features using the gherkin language and implement them a test cases using Behat.  ATDD is the Business version of Test Driven Development

- Acceptance Test Driven Development vs Behavior Driven Development
- Test Driven Development and Acceptance Test Driven Development where is the difference

This course has been tested at PHP Conference London 2019 in a workshop format.

Code of the course is downloadable and available on GitLab,
if you did the exercise and would like an eye on your code feel free to contact me always hapy about feedback.

Who Should Attend!

  • PHP Developer
  • JavaScript Developer
  • Webdeveloper
  • Software Developer



  • TDD Test Driven Development






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