This course contains the entire year 7 and 8 Australian mathematics curriculum. This course covers the methodology, step by step, of all areas year 7 and 8 students will be taught in schools in Australia, with access available to this course at home when they don't have the teacher to help them.
The areas covered include:
Computation with integers
Fractions, decimals & percentages
Financial mathematics
Ratios & rates
Algebraic techniques
Linear relationships
Right-angled triangles (Pythagoras)
Properties of geometrical figures
Angle relationships
Data collection & representation
Single variable data analysis
Each area is broken up into different lectures and builds on the one before, giving the student time to absorb and then put into practice what they have learnt before moving on.
There is also the opportunity for students to engage with the instructor and ask questions with detailed answers given to help the student further understand any of the problems they might be experiencing when trying to solve a mathematical problem from any of the above topics in the syllabus. Any common questions that the instructor regularly receives may make a further video to clarify the solution to a given problem and upload it to a new section at the end of the course that students can look to if they need more information or help on a particular topic.