Unlock Enlightenment: Modern Nondual (Advaita Vedanta) Guide

Direct - Fastest Path to the Truth and Spiritual Awakening; Mental Clarity Guaranteed. Only Active Listening is Required

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Unlock Enlightenment: Modern Nondual (Advaita Vedanta) Guide

What You Will Learn!

  • How to expedite your spiritual awakening. This course will open doors to higher reality for any spiritual seeker.
  • Discover the profound connection between inner awareness and external reality.
  • Learn practical techniques to experiment with consciousness and unveil hidden truths.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and your place within it.
  • Cultivate a sense of unity with all of existence through transformative experiential practices.
  • Solidify your ability to remain mindful in any circumstance.


Welcome to the transformative journey of realising the truth by conducting a series of carefully scaffolded experiments. Each chapter will unlock a new and higher level of understanding. The course culminates into giving you a glimpse of awakening. Equally importantly, it also explains what you experience and why.

The core of this course is shared by all great religions, philosophers and many modern scientists.

In this course, we unravel the profound mysteries of consciousness, attention, and self-awareness. We begin by exploring the essence of the Science of Experience, delving into the intricacies of attention and understanding. From the foundational principles of meditation to the profound question, "Am I aware?" and the introspective inquiry of "Who am I?" – Each chapter is a step towards unravelling the layers of our existence.

As we navigate through the Principles of Meditation and the concept that the sky-like awareness transcends the mind-clouds, we eventually discover the extraordinary truth that "I - Awareness - am primary and beyond the body." The course concludes with a powerful revelation – the world is made of me, Awareness. By the end, you'll stand liberated from the limitations of the finite mind, embracing a boundless understanding of your true self. Join us on this expedition into the realms of self-discovery, where each chapter is a gateway to profound insights and a more enlightened way of being. Are you ready to embark on this extraordinary journey? Let's begin the exploration together!

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is designed for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of consciousness and spirituality, making it ideal for mindfulness practitioners and students of non-dual/advaita philosophy. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced seeker, if you're curious about exploring the nature of reality and expanding your awareness, this course is for you.




