Bank Lending in Shipping

Evaluate different Lending Proposals

Ratings 2.50 / 5.00
Bank Lending in Shipping

What You Will Learn!

  • Loan profile calculation
  • Valuation of different lending proposals
  • Bank's Requirements


What are the main factors that affect lending in the shipping market. You have to know the market conditions before contacting the bank. You will not get the same offer although same vessel in different market conditions.

How the financial market conditions and the shipping cycle can make the lending either catastrophic or successful for the shipping company. It is not rare case, that a bank "takes over" a ship that she has financed.

How the profile of the owner and his “appetite” affect borrowing. What do we mean by "appetite". The same offer will not be accepted by different owners.

Comparison between different lending proposals. Which suits best to our company’s profile? Different companies are not going to accept the same lending proposal. Why does this happen?

A walkthrough from taking an offer from a bank to the signing of the loan agreement. it is not just the "ok" you will say to the banker. There is a lot of work that it has to be done and someone has to do it.

Compare and explain the differences between a mortgage loan (eg a loan that a bank offers if someone wants to buy or built a house) and a shipping loan.

Who Should Attend!

  • Students in Finance
  • Students in Shipping
  • Students in Management



  • Banking






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