The course contains some lectures that explain in detail the Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem codes (15,11,1) algorithm used for error detection and correction. the number 15 is referring to the total transmitted message bit size, 11 is the information bit size, and 1 is the number of errors that can be detected and corrected.
the course contains a VHDL code for the algorithm that is attached to the lectures that you can download and use it.
This course targets the VHDL code and the FPGA implementation of this algorithm. it will be helpful for the undergraduate engineering students and the postgraduate also.
the VHDL codes are not easy to be valid on the websites so it is difficult to find the VHDL code for a certain project that works correctly but in this course, the full VHDL code will be available with its test bench so you can download and adjust it as you want.
You will learn by doing real VHDL programming. All the code and syntax are attached. After you adjust the existing code or you create your own, you will run simulations to verify it. If you are interested to run your code on real hardware (not required, but much more fun), we recommend Altera or Xilinx boards.