Become a superstar audio editor with Audacity

Learn the basics and some advanced techniques in the free tool Audacity and become a superstar audio editor

Ratings 4.14 / 5.00
Become a superstar audio editor with Audacity

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn the basics of audio editing
  • Be able to use Audacity comfortably
  • Have the knowledge required to progress into more advanced audio editing tools


In this course, you'll become a  superstar audio editor by learning about the basics of audio editing using the free tool Audacity. We'll also go into a few advanced techniques and by the end of this course, you should be able to comfortably edit audio for yourself, your business and for your friends. 

Do note that the tool that I'm concentrating on is Audacity because it's free to use. But keep in mind that the techniques that you learn can be used in other audio editing tools as well.

Sample of reviews from students:

Len Grates - "Easy to understand and very comprehensive. Really enjoyed it!"

R Kishan Boddapati - "Very well done! In a few hours time, to get such an in-depth look and understanding of Audacity is pretty darn awesome. Thanks!! Even better, I can view this again, as I make my progress and need to refer back. Great. Thank you very much!!"

Melvyn Hungerford - "very informative"

John Drake - "Very good course, lots of stuff I didn't know about so thank you. Having used Audition (mostly) I tend to jump into Audacity for quickness but its nice to know that it is capable of more than I realised, I am always recommending Audacity to new starters so will point them towards this course as well. Thank you very much."

Who Should Attend!

  • Anybody who wants to learn how to do audio editing for their job or for fun
  • Podcasters
  • People who are interested in starting out their ow freelance audio editing work



  • Audacity Software
  • Audio Editing
  • Audio Engineering
  • Audio Production






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