Are you a bilingual looking into find jobs and work opportunities online? Perhaps you want to find remote jobs to work from home?
Being bilingual can have its advantages only if you know how to make the most out of it, and now is the time to invest in yourself and utilize your language skills into a professional career so that you can work from home.
With globalization continue to be on the rise, translation jobs are increasing in demands all across different industries.
Surely you can find jobs online by yourself, however, this course will teach you how to build a professional working portfolio and resume so you have more chances to land high-paying job opportunities and better clients.
In this course, you will learn:
How to get started by learning the fundamentals of a translator
Work more efficiently by using powerful tools and resources
Build a professional working portfolio to attract clients
Find working opportunities, leads, and get referrals
The tips for managing the business side as a freelancer/contractor so you can support your lifestyle working on your own.
There will be downloadable worksheets, resources & tools, and goal planners to help guide you along the way.
After this course, you will feel prepared to build yourself as a professional to find clients and work opportunities.
I look forward to you join me inside the course to get started on your translation career today!